The Ontario Harness Horse Association is partnering with Equine Guelph and VPI Working Solutions to support individuals that are interested in starting a career in the Equine Industry.
Ontario Harness Horse Association
An interested group of owners, trainers, and drivers of Standardbred horses formed the Ontario Harness Horse Association in 1961. The purpose of the Association was to represent Ontario harness horsemen/horsewomen in negotiations of purses, racing conditions, and all matters affecting the industry as a whole with the tracks, Standardbred Canada, the Ontario Racing Commission, and the Provincial and Federal Governments. OHHA is the founder of OEEEP, funded through the Ministry of Labour. OHHA works on finding locations for students to complete placements and oversees all aspects of the Program.
Equine Guelph
Equine Guelph, the Centre for the horse owner at the University of Guelph, opened in 2003 and has served the information needs of the horse industry on health, welfare, and safety and new research findings from the Equine Guelph industry-funded research program. We are pleased to be a partner on this important initiative to help employers and job seekers in the industry. Equine Guelph will run the 6-week online program that provides basic knowledge on introductory information for a groom focusing on basic anatomy and physiology, care and feeding of the horse, and daily management as a starting groom, with a focus on horse welfare and safety. There will be live virtual presentations each week for the students with the facilitator and guest speakers. The program will combine the course on the TheHorsePortal and Equine JobTrack to help students first gain the knowledge needed for entry-level grooms and then connect with potential employers to start a pathway for a career in the equine industry.
VPI Employment Services
VPI is an employment services provider for the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD), we facilitate several Employment Ontario programs to help job seekers find work and training opportunities across Ontario. We are pleased to be partnered with OHHA and Equine Guelph to provide support and job search skills to participants in the Ontario Equine Education and Employment Program.